Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Remake

Foreign Gross: $268,509,687
Grade: B+
In 2005, the world was introduced to a magical land of chocolate rivers, edible trees and grass, candies and gum that could never lose flavor, and three foot tall midgets running around and singing catchy ballads as they did away with children that had disobeyed the rules. Yup, it sounds like Willy Wonka was up to his old hi jinks again, or is it the same hi jinks just with enhanced graphics?
In 1971, Gene Wilder first took the mantle of the purple clad candy pusher, turning Willy Wonka from unknown into iconic. The movie then grossed $4,000,000 domestically and received a B rating. The movie also gained precedence because of the simultaneous opening of the actual Willy Wonka candy factory, hence is where we get our Gobstoppers, Nerds, ect. The movie was a musical and comedic hit, with left everyone humming the tune of the Oompa Loompas for decades.
Family Guy's version
Fast forward to 2005, The franchise has been remade with Johnny Depp taking hold of the purple hat. One thing to understand about Johnny Depp, he is known for playing outlandish and bizarre characters (Edward Scissorhands, Captain Jack Sparrow, Todd Sweeney), so him playing Willy Wonka meant one thing, the chocolate factory would never be the same again, ever. The movie had the same concept; 4 golden tickets were scattered world wide, 4 lucky kids with their own complexities (except for Charlie) were chosen to tour the huge factory with Willie Wonka. It is at this point, that things get interesting.
First, this Willy Wonka is not the same as he was before. He was a mixture of 25% Wonka, and 75% Michael Jackson. Throughout the movie, it was shown that Willy had some very messed up mental complexities that stemmed from the abandonment of his father. He was much ruder and mischievous than his former counterpart. The Oompa Loompas still existed, but not as the use to with orange make up and green hair. It was a loop of one man, doing many many other things. The classic Oompa songs that we cherished were did away with and replaced with catchy tunes and hilarious costumes.
Old Version
New Version
There are many noticeable changes from what the predecessor, but one thing is certain, the story stayed the same. The base story line never changed and in fact, the director and writers saw fit to expand it.
Charlie and the chocolate factory offers some in depth looks into certain things that viewers, who may have seen the first movie, had questions about. It shows how Willy made first contact with the Oompas, how the children looked after being discharged from the factory (with awesome graphics) and we finally see the reason why Willy became who he was, and get to see a resolution to Willy's childhood problem. Yes, the first Willy never made it that far, but the important fact still stands, that the fans were not cheated out of one second of Willy Wonka nostalgia moments. And I dare say the changes that did occur, especially with the songs, were well needed updates.
I think that it is safe to say that Willy will not be making another on screen appearance, hopefully ever. There are some movies, that don't need remaking for fear that it just may get messed up. A risk was taken with Charlie, and they passed with flying colors. I think it's safe to let Mr. Wonka stay in his factory, and let the impressions that were given to us last a few lifetimes.
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