Spider-Man 3: Should be rebooted

Domestic: $336,530,303
Foreign: $554,341,323
Grade: B
Spider-Man 3 followed the successful tails of the first two films. This particular film was supposed to be huge because it would mean the inclusion of the the powerful black symbiote spider suit and the introduction to Spider-Man's most deadliest foe: Venom. The black symbiote is an alien goo that attaches itself to a human host and feeds off of their inner desires, bring them to the surface of that person's personality. The symbiote attaches to Spider-Man and changes his red and blue costume black.
He under goes a dangerous personality change and almost resorts to killing. Peter Parker finds the weakness of the symbiote, which are super sonic vibrations, and destroys the suit in a church bell tower. The suit drips down and overtakes Eddie Brock, who is an enemy of Peter Parker and Spider-Man, transforming him into the evil beast Venom.
The movie was very high in action and comedy, but some story choices raised eyebrows and a certain character casting decision made every fan cry blasphemy.
First thing is first. Eddie Brock is known to be a witty, tall and very muscular man. He used to be a jock. When Venom is born, it enlarges Eddie's stature, making him look like a huge muscular freak show. This is the Venom that all Spider-Man fans are used to. When the movie was released, fans were not given a monstrous villain nor a Jock Eddie Brock, but instead was presented with a small framed, arrogant Eddie and Venom in the form of Topher Grace, also known as Eric Foreman from That 70's Show. Watching Eddie Brock was literally like watching Eric Foreman become Venom. Then to make the situation worse, Venom gets killed at the end along with Harry Osborne, both of which DO NOT DIE! The sandman was another main enemy, but has no correlation with the Venom saga at all, so I'm still trying to figure our why he was he was in the movie because the movie would have gotten along quite well if he wasn't in it.
I was not pleased with the ending, with Harry dying and the relationship between Peter and Mary Jane diminishing. It left me with alot of questions at the end that I needed answering at that point. I didn't want to wait for a new movie, although if it did, I would have liked for there to be a more concrete story. A year later, it was discovered that all of the actors had dropped out of Spider-Man 4 and the entire project got scrapped. It seemed like this was the era where the third movie of a trilogy deviated from the original so bad to the point where it needed to be rebooted. The same thing happened with the X-Men franchise, which is getting rebooted this summer.
Spider-Man is getting a reboot with new actors, new storylines and a new gritty spin. It is unknown if the reboot will work will work. The Batman francise rebooted successfully and is a beacon of hope to look up to. Hopefully the next time around, they will be wiser with casting and story twists.
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